Revolution. Watch and listen


Once a Panther: Episode 1, Identity

Meet members of the PPP - Listen from 4:45m-8:09m

Panther members talk about living in Ponsonby - Listen from 10:20m-13:25m

Melani talks about the first ever meeting of the Panthers - Listen from 36m-37:30m

Community services - Listen from 41:47-42:17

Stuff Podcast


Panther Melani Anae takes us through the first waves of Polynesian immigration to Aotearoa and their struggle to find an identity in Auckland’s Pacific Island in the city.


Melani Anae: We said we weren't going to take it anymore.

Listen from 13:30m-14:07m to hear Melani talks about her work at the T.A.B

Listen from 8:56m-9:56m to hear Panther members talk about the Legal Aid Booklet



“We brought racism to everyone’s attention” - Melani Anae


Once a Panther: Episode 2, Institution

Listen from 13:35m-14:35m and hear Will ‘Ilolahia talk about meeting a 14 yr old school boy in the cells.

Listen from 37:40m-41:25m to hear about what the Panthers thought about the election ads.

Stuff Podcast


Click above and scroll to: Episode 2, Institution

Panther Alec Toleafoa reveals the brutal tactics used by a government intent on marginalising Polynesians with policies like the Dawn Raids.


Once a Panther: Fight Back

Listen from 5.04m-6:12m to understand how the Panthers designed a strategy for Fighting Back against the Taskforce Arrests

Stuff Podcast


Panther Will 'Ilolahia and his ministers find creative ways to keep up the resistance while fighting alongside tangata whenua tests the relationship with their parents.


The Cities

A party political broadcast for the National Party 1975 General Election campaign

Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision


Story 2: Watch and listen


Gay Rights Activist

Listen to Ngahuia Te Awekotuku as she explains about establishing a Gay Rights Organisation on campus.

Waatea News


Thin edge of the wedge

Listen from 8m 28s summary of Homosexual Law Reform in Aotearoa New Zealand

Listen from 1:06:30 to the talkback: when will the bashings stop

Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision


Thin edge of the wedge

Listen from 1:06:30 to the talkback: when will the bashings stop

Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision


Buckwheat & Staircase

The history of Staircase, one of Auckland’s earliest gay clubs.



Attitude: Buckwheat & Don

Watch this clip of Buckwheat driving Don. You can skip forward to 2m.



HUG Launch

Start this clip at 29:41 to view the Launch of HUG (Heterosexuals Unafraid of Gays) in Auckland.

Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision


National Treasures

Start this clip at 23m to learn more about different publications and the role they play.



No such thing as a straight WORLD

Each year WORLD takes Pride in celebrating our LGBTQI+ Community, with collaborations, brands, products and initiatives. In 1998 this took the form of a float in the HERO parade.



Is this man a danger to society?

Listen at 10m 02 s to hear Pastor Richard Flinn and Peter Wall discuss “Is this man a danger to society?”
Top half, 11 April 1985, Television New Zealand, F57594

Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision


Hudson and Halls

Peter Hudson and David Halls were as famous for their on-screen spats as they were for their recipes. The couple ("Are we gay? Well, we're certainly merry") turned cooking into comedy



Hero Parade 1998

Marching girls and boys, Camp Mother and Camp Leader and synchronised lawnmowers dance down Auckland’s Ponsonby Road in a celebration of gay pride. See the Pacific Culture be represented also.