Protest. Watch and listen
Te Matakite o Aotearoa
Watch the beginning of the 1975 land march led by then 79-year-old Whina Cooper
Papa-Tu-A-Nuku by Hone Tuwhare
Listen to the poem - focused on the Maori Land March that began at Te Hapua 14 Sept 1973 and ended at Parliament buildings 17 Oct.
1975 Maori Land March. Poem by Hone Tuwhare.
Poem written by Hone Tuwhare on the eve of the 1975 Maori Land March. -- from "Te Matakite o Aotearoa - The Maori Land March"
Te Matakite o Aotearoa arrives in Auckland
Watch the march as it walks over the Auckland Harbour Bridge.
Te Matakite o Aotearoa stops in Kihikihi
See how Eva Rickard and others respond to the memorial to Rewi Maniapoto.
Hone Tuwhare poem read by Don Selwyn
Don Selwyn read the Hone Tuwhare poem ‘Rainmaker song for Whina’ during her This is Your Life in 1987.

Story 2: Watch and listen
The Whole World’s Watching
The birth of television in the 1960s meant that suddenly protests and civil unrest could be broadcast directly into Kiwi homes. Watch to see Hana Jackson present the petition to parliament.
Te Rōpu Matakite land march
Listen to Hana Jackson about her experiences at the beginning of the 1975 Te Rōpu Matakite land march, as a member of the group Ngā Tamatoa.
Once a Panther: Division
Listen to understand Ngā Tamatoa’s role in protesting against the 81 Springbok Tour
Ngā Tamatoa: 40 years on
Watch Ngā Tamatoa to understand the challenging of the Haka party.