Mātauranga. Watch and listen



Start at 4mins and watch for around 2m30s to time travel and delve into taonga both famous and obscure with Dame Anne Salmond, telling tremendous stories about our Aotearoa

Māori Television



Mōkihi or mogi were an essential means of transport for early Māori travelling the waterways of Te Waipounamu.

Ngāi Tahu


Mona Anderson

The June the 23rd 1993 Holmes show featured a story on Mona Anderson.

You Tube


Ngāti Waewae women reviving local tikanga of wero

Understand how an age-old tikanga is being revived by Ngāti Waewae

You Tube


Ngāi Tahu Mahinga Kai

Listen as Tangata whenua are interviewed about all aspects of mahinga kai.