Mana Rangatiratanga. Watch and listen
NZ Wars: Stories of Tainui
NZ Wars: Stories of Tainui examines the events that continue to influence contemporary Aotearoa.
You will need to watch from 27m07s - 28m35s

Story 2: Watch and listen
The story of Gustavus von Tempsky
Von Tempsky had a dark side, and until relatively recently that side of his story was mostly ignored...
Listen from 15m 30s to learn that side of the story. You will need to listen for about 5m
E Pā Tō Hau
Listen to this waiata written by Rangiamoa of Ngāti Apakura. She wrote it for her cousin who died at Rangiaowhia.
Artefact, The Path of War
Series 2 Episode 2: Hear Tā Tom Roa speaks of the obligation that Pākehā have to own their history.
Watch from 32m 55s until 34m 57s. Continue to 36m 10s to see the differences in the Māori monument.
Taku Whakautu
Rangiaowhia, Episode 3: Tā Tom Roa talks to us about the changing of the name of Wikitoria to Te Māmae.
Watch from 3m 03s for 30s.