Empire. Watch and listen


Lovelock wins at the 1936 Berlin Olympics

Listen as Harold Abrahams commentates the race. Abrahams was a close friend of Lovelock & you can hear the excitement in his voice as his friend wins the gold medal.

This is a 4m listen.

Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision



Understand the significance of the Berlin Olympics and Hitlers rise to power.

You Tube


Jesse Owens wins

Jesse Owens Wins 100m Olympic Gold in front of Hitler at 1936 Olympics. Watch from 3m 12s to 5m 53s to see how Hitler responds to Jesse and his win.

You Tube


The Thirties

Watch Jack Lovelock as he wins the race and is later awarded the gold medal and his oak sapling.

This clip starts at 6m, watch for 40s



Story 2: Watch and listen


History of the British Empire: 1707-2017

Watch the History of the largest Empire in the history of the world, the British Empire. From the Kingdom of England to the British Empire, and finally to today's (2017) United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

1953 British Empire can be viewed at 2m 31s

You Tube


Royal Tour 1954

Watch from 3m to 5m 12s to see the crowds in the 1953-54 Royal Tour Visit. Understand how important the event was for the people in Aotearoa.

You Tube


Votes, Depressions and Refrigerators

Watch from 4m 53s to 6m 45s learn more about our exports.

You Tube