Ahi kā. Watch and Listen
Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei - Pepeha
Watch the animated video of Ngāti Whātua’s pepeha.
NZ history in the making
A Labour Party film introduced by Prime Minister Michael Savage.
Bastion Point - The Untold Story (Part 1)
Watch until 03:22 min and see Joe Hawke, Tom Downes and John Broadbents’ eyewitness accounts of the forced eviction of the papakāinga.

Story 2: Watch and listen
Once a Panther: Fight Back
Listen from 16:00 min to 19:00 min to hear the stories of Panthers at the point and Will I’llolahia talk about his time supporting the occupation.
Bastion Point - The Untold Story (Part 3)
Watch Part 3 of the documentary to understand why Ngāti Whātua chose to occupy the land.
This video is 8m long and is part 3 of 5.
Bastion Point - The Untold Story (Part 4)
Watch the first 5 minutes to see how the community at Bastion Point was built.
Bastion Point - The Untold Story (Part 4)
Watch Part 4 of the documentary, paying close attention to the different perspectives of the eviction. This segment is 11:46s.
Waka HuiaWaitangi Special - The Waitangi Tribunal
Watch from 10:30-19:00m to understand the process of lodging a claim with the Waitangi Tribunal.